Driven Brands

Email Signature Generator

Pour la version française, cliquez ici.

Enter your information into the form below to generate your email signature. Copy and paste the generated information into Outlook and/or Apple Mail under the signature section to begin using your new signature.

Step 1. Select Your Brand

Step 2. Add your contact information

Generate Your Signature

Step 1. Set your email font options

  • From the File tab, select Options.
  • Select Mail.
  • Click Stationery and Fonts.
  • Body copy for all emails should be set to Arial, 12 pt font.
  • Make your desired changes to new mail messages, replying or forwarding messages, and/or composing and reading plain text messages.
  • Click OK until you return to your mailbox.

To update your social media links, follow these instructions:

  • Open your signature in Outlook
  • For each icon that you want to update, right-click on the icon and choose "Hyperlink"
  • Update the link and choose "OK" to save
  • Close out of your signature



440 South Church St, Ste. 700
Charlotte, NC 28202

Select Your Signature

Signature + Tagline

Select Signature Only